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Sister Siren Events
Coming September 2022

Virtual Launch Party
September 14th


In her debut memoir, Michaela K. Canterbury details the ups and downs of being the sister of an addict. In the pages of Sister Siren, you'll be met with love, hope, faith, and joy, despite addiction. You will read about the journey it takes to love someone through addiction. 

Sister Siren: A NON FICTION about addiction is now available for purchase on Amazon and barnes and noble.



Do you love an addict or know someone who does?

Has addiction drained your life or that of someone you love? Is addiction slowly killing your relationships? Is love for an addict so strong that it suffocates and destroys the relationships around you with fear, worry, grief or anger? Do undertow feelings not to give up on the addict create distance from everyone else and the world? Are relationships awkward with isolation and avoidance because the topic of the addict in your life has become your story? Is there an unknown reason within that you can’t and won’t give up on the person you love because of addiction? Are you feeling lost with the feelings, words and atmosphere of addiction? Are you wondering why you are here? What are you to do?

About Sister Siren

This storytelling memoir summarizes a three year journey of walking the path of active addiction with a loved one. This book includes riveting real life stories with insights of key moments the author stepped into through the world of addiction with the addict she loves. This book supplies nitty gritty details of critical moments with firsthand experience from the unique perspective of a sober sibling that instills hope, faith and revitalizes inner strength and courage. The author’s use of spiritual and theological foundations with storytelling and trial skills guides the reader on how to love an addict, with tips and tools on self-care to thrive through the process. This book boldly steps into the addiction fray without judgment to destigmatize the shame that hovers over addicts and the disorders that enslave them.

The book includes tools, tips, resources and a glossary for the reader that supports a journey to the truth of the relationship with an addict. This book supplies tools to neutralize big, fat, hairy scary feelings of fear, resentment and anger to boldly step into the courageous love that is required and necessary to love an addict.

The author’s intellectual, emotional and spiritual curiosity take a unique approach to addiction with courageously experiential rigor, respect and commitment to find the love that exists in all relationships, however imperfect it can be at times. The truth is, we all have addictions and this book supplies gifts of hope, faith and peace.

You have been called. This book is for you.






Peter Strisik, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist

In Sister Siren, Michaela shares a heartfelt, engaging, honest, and intensely personal story about addiction, family, love, persistence, and the roller coaster ride towards recovery for all involved. Making use of all the resources she could find, she invites us to take that ride with her and her family, implementing those resources with simultaneous strength and vulnerability as she learns, tries, grieves, despairs, and triumphs……. repeatedly. Joining her on the journey – if we allow ourselves the vulnerability to vicariously experience the disappointments, tragedies, victories, and joys – we are rewarded with greater understanding of addiction, the role it can play in the family crucible, self-discovery, and insights about our own families. In Sister Siren, Michaela opens a door for us that, once
we enter, there is no turning back, only going through.

Expert Endorsement





A peek inside

Michaela and her sister, Kaylen. The image on the left was the day Michaela learned of her sister's addiction. The image on the right is Kaylen's first year in recovery, featuring Michaela and her husband Chris, Kaylen and Michaela's parents, and Kaylen's boyfriend Josh.

The image on the left features Michaela, her sister Kaylen, and their parents celebrating 3 years of recovery. The images on the right is Michaela's group of close girlfriends mentioned in the book as well.

Left, Michaela and Chris' dogs, Bonnie and Clyde. Michaela, her husband Chris, and their kids Connor and Grace on the right.

Both images here are pivotal in this journey, left is the moment that Michaela felt a shift. She would come home from vacation to her sister starting her road to recovery. The right includes Michaela, her daughter Grace, her sister Kaylen and their Aunt Mary. You'll read about her critical role in book.

Connect With Kaylen

The image on the left features Michaela, her sister Kaylen, and their parents celebrating 3 years of recovery. The images on the right is Michaela's group of close girlfriends mentioned in the book as well.

Left, Michaela and Chris' dogs, Bonnie and Clyde. Michaela, her husband Chris, and their kids Connor and Grace on the right.

Both images here are pivotal in this journey, left is the moment that Michaela felt a shift. She would come home from vacation to her sister starting her road to recovery. The right includes Michaela, her daughter Grace, her sister Kaylen and their Aunt Mary. You'll read about her critical role in book.

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